Which way can we use for searching on Twitter which cheaper price!

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So now, if we want to use the Twitter API for searching, we have to pay $5.000 monthly. To me, it’s really high.
Moreover, the Twitter API also limit even you pay $100 monthly.
So, is there any way to replace this?
I’m trying to learn from the pre-made template and there are a lot of workflow can help improve our work a lot on Twitter. But cannot help because the limitation.

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Not posible at the moment. The node functionality is limited to the API capabilities

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Hey @mivtool,

Sadly we don’t have a way around the API restrictions created by X, I am not sure if there are unoffical APIs that you could use with the HTTP Request node that would bypass this but it wouldn’t be something that we would add to the node as it would bypass the terms of use for X.

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