White Label Documentation

Hi there

I am wondering if anyone has a guideline to white label n8n documentation. Afaik, this tutorial is not related.

I know I can simply fork the repo and change what we need but maybe there is a smarter way :slight_smile:

Victor Pantoja

Hey @victorpantoja,

That documentation looks to be correct if you want to white label n8n, White labelling is also something that may require an embed license as well if you don’t already have one.

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Thanks @Jon !

We do have a license. I was talking about white labeling the documentation itself :slight_smile: We want to give our users a documentation with our look and feel.

Hey @victorpantoja,

I missed that bit, It would be a case of forking the docs and tweaking the mkdocs yaml file: n8n-docs/mkdocs.yml at main · n8n-io/n8n-docs · GitHub

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Hi @Jon
thanks for your answer, another missing part in my side,
where exactly in the n8n environment variable i should set the new documentation base url?

Hey @mtubul,

I would probably do a find and replace as we don’t seem to set a const for that.

thanks for the answer