Why can't my custom node start after adding icons?

Describe the issue/error/question

Why can’t my custom node start after adding icons?

This is my custom node project directory:
Then it can start normally without adding an icon:

What is the error message (if any)?

Please share the workflow

(Select the nodes and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow respectively)

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • **n8n version:0.213.0
  • Database you’re using (default: SQLite):
  • **Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]:own
  • **Running n8n via [Docker, npm, n8n.cloud, desktop app]:npm

Hi @Tk8and15, I am unfortunately not super familiar with how nodes are being built these days. Perhaps you can share your code and our chief node builder @marcus can take a look?

This is possible related to the icons copying code we removed recently.

The fix should be out in 0.215.0 soon.

@Tk8and15 Can you please test this on 0.215.1?

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