Zendesk get Ticket Error when Ticket not found

Hi, a question: Where i can have the Id from Zendesk which are not available ? The Problem is that these node not works further.


@Stefan I guess I wanted to say ‘the ids that are available’? If so you can list all the tickets and grab the id from ticket:getall

The 404 response it typically generated by the server but this feels like it is actually generated by Zendesk.

What happens if you pull this information manually from the browser?

This might be one of those items that you need to catch with error handling to deal with these issues.

It’s generated by the Zendesk server. It means in this context that the ticket does not exist. You can grab it from the url as well @Tephlon How do I find the ID of a ticket form? – Zendesk help

Tephlon, i have these ZendeskIDs in my Database. But how i can work with this node continuing, with my next node ?


My Problem is i can not see which ID is not more on Zendesk available.

Sorry, I do not understand. Can you elaborate more please?