Hi, I am trying to connect and interact with Zoho Analytics. I have noticed that there is a Zoho CRM Node Zoho Ouath2 credential that works with the Zoho CRM node, but it has no Analytics Fuctionality.
I have been trying to use the Zoho OAuth credentials in combination with the HTTP Request Node to work with the Zoho Analytics API but have not had any success.
Does anybody have an example of how to get n8n to interact with Zoho Analytcs? Can you please share or point me in the right direction.
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It looks like our Zoho CRM node and credentials only include the scopes for Zoho CRM not Zoho analytics so you would need to create a generic OAuth2 credential and specify the scopes that Zoho needs.
Hi @Jon. I have been trying to follow the Zoho Api Documentation but part of the Zoho authentication process returns a Consent web page and I don’t know what to do as it is returned to the http request node where, as far as I understand, I can’t do anything with it. The existing credential support for Zoho Crm deals with this Consent Web page by showing it when you create the Credentials.
Can you make it so the Zoho Credentials work for anlytics. I can try to use the HTTP Request to do what I need If I can get past the authentication process.
Hi @Jon, I understand. Is there any suggestion for getting past the authentication process ? I don’t mind working with the api’s throught the http request node but need a way to get past the authentication.