Add concurrency in workflow settings

The idea is:

I need in workflow settings a way to set the number of concurrent jobs for each workflow.

My use case:

I have a given workflow which must be capable of handling concurrent executions.
I also have a workflow which MUST NOT run concurrent executions because sharing a common resource.

The --concurrency option is not a solution because it applies to all workflows.

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

I am not the only one in this case Worker concurrency!

Any resources to support this?

Check Pipedream workflow settings.

Are you willing to work on this?


Hi @LucBerge

There is an easy work around, you can use the rabbitMQ nodes. The trigger node allows you to set the parallel executions. Of course these will be seperate workflow executions and so the workers of course also need to have enough concurrency set for it to actually do it all in parallel.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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It would be better to have a native solution

Agreed. Using external tools (e.g., RabbitMQ / Posthook) are really a band-aid to this problem. n8n really needs a native queuing mechanism that allows you to see/manage in-flight requests before they are processed by a given workflow.

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If there will be a native queue mechanism, it will be Redis :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s totally fine. I really don’t care what the underlying mechanism is – so long as n8n UI provides a way to manage the queue and control how many jobs run at the same time.

Keep in mind, this concurrency control should apply equally to:

  • Incoming Webhook Calls
  • As well as internal calls made from other parent workflows directly calling this workflow

I agree with @dkindlund