ALL nodes should have toggle to pass previous inputs, to fix ALL nodes now blocking

The idea is:

To give the same “Include Other Input Fields” toggle to ALL nodes, as somehow it was decided (for the wrong reasons imo, as this broke the input passing paradigm) to exclude that toggle from some nodes, like the Redis node. There are likely many nodes that do not have that toggle and which are blocking previous inputs, leading n8n people to suggest cumbersome workarounds when there seems to be no valid reason to exclude that toggle.

My use case:

Now it is not possible to create sub-workflows with a blocking node, as such sub-workflows would effectively block all previous inputs not explicitly passed on by the calling parent, breaking expectations of the user. Example “Auth status” sub-workflow that takes input and ideally only adds some outputs but currently blocks:

Example workflow that calls the sub-workflow, which is now forced to do post plumbing to make it work:

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

reliable and trusted inner workings of n8n core, where we can be sure to receive our own inputs