Arranging workflows in folders

I also need this feature. There are too many workflows now, and without folders, it’s really hard to manage.
I can’t understand why this feature hasn’t been implemented yet. :shushing_face:

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Is there a timeline? I look forward to that day arriving soon. Thank you!

Putting shortcut to certain tags-filter in the sidebar would be a great way of creating “folders”

this should also not be so difficult to create?? a full fledged folder system seems way more complicated to build apparently - as this is such an old topic. but using that sidebar to drag/put tag filter “searches” in would do the trick for me :slight_smile:

I’m surprised that after 100 comments here over 4 years and in times of AI writing code and the team doubling in size again last year this remains the biggest frustration of all users. What’s the use of having the best system to generate automations if you can’t organise your flows, especially when parent flows trigger child flows now more then ever. You want to be able to group these by parent or department or application… Thank you though for the wonderful work that did happen!! N8n is an amazing tool and I want to promote it to my clients. But please listen to the community. We all need this!

Just wanted to chime in and +1 for some sort of folder structure… I know we have tagging but IMHO these are different use cases… sometimes I create a set of workflows for a particular project and just being able to group them in a folder for easier tracking is useful. I know that I could tag each workflow with the same tag and filter based on that, but for visual organizational purposes folders are required. Hope to see this feature soon!

+1 to all above … PLUS a minor suggestion that could help in the short run would be to make the workflow Sort field ‘sticky’.

Then, if I make it alphabetical, I can rename FundamentalWorkflow to !FundamentalWorkflow and see it at the top of the page.

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Another year ended and nothing? That’s an absolute must and a super basic feature, does it really need 4 years of development and 300 upvotes?