Describe the issue/error/question
these are my first steps using this great tool. I have created my workflow to dowload a list of pdfs from a list of webpages.
Now I have a list of binaries. How to save each in my PC (I’m using n8n desktop).
What is the error message (if any)?
Please share the workflow
(Select the nodes and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow respectively)
Share the output returned by the last node
Information on your n8n setup
I’m using n8n desktop.
Thank you
Welcome to the community @aborruso
Use the Write Binary File node.
Example Workflow
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It works, thank you 
How to set the local folder, where to save the files?
If I put C:\Users\aborr\Documents\test\{{$}}
I have no result.
If I set only {{$}}
I have the files in C:\Users\aborr\AppData\Local\Programs\n8n
Weird. It works just fine for me. I’m not a Windows user, though.
@MutedJam can you please test it out?
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I can actually reproduce this. The expression editor itself works fine here:

However, when actually running this, the behavior seems very unexpected to Windows-me:
The file gets stored into as C:\Users\Tom\Documents{{$}}
in this example:
It worked when replacing the last backslash with a forward slash though (C:\Users\Tom\Documents/{{$}}
Could you try if the single forward slash is working for you as well @aborruso?
it works, thank you very much.
Do I must open a new issue for this bug? If yes, what’s the right place to do it?
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Glad to hear this is working for you, thanks a lot for confirming!
I’ve already raised this as a bug internally so you won’t have to do anything here (apart from using that forward slash for now, unfortunately).