Call a node within the Code Node like a function

The idea is:

Enable the Code node to execute other nodes like a function.
For Example:

filter = {};
simplify = true;
limit = 0;

NotionItem = Notion.DatabasePage.getMany.fromList( myDatabaseName, filter, simplify, limit)

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

It would enable some routes and loops that the ui doesn’t support or only with increasing size/complexity.
It would allow more variability what is called in the node.

Hi @atwork1

Sounds interesting, but I am a bit confused on how this would work.
You want to call nodes inside a flow with the code node? or just generally every node?
Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of using a low/no code solution?

I’ve thought of that as well, but if you could use/call a node in a function call, the node removes most of the complexity.

If I’d had to make a http request in the code node to “notion” for example it would be very complex.
But if I could query notion for a certain data point, and use existing credentials etc. it would be rather simple.

You’d probably need to place the Node Parameters in a Json though, and not like in the exmple above.