I have three different JSON outputs inside of my workflow with different key values.
So lets say the 1st JSON output is the following
2nd JSON Output:
“Address”:“123 Main St”,
“City”:“Kansas City”,
“Address”:“123 Test St”,
“City”:“St Louis”,
And 3rd JSON Output:
The output I would like the CSV to be like the following.
Information on your n8n setup
n8n version: 1.41.1
Database (default: SQLite): SQLite
Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker
Operating system: Ubuntu Linux
Hi @CVMatt , thanks for reaching out and being a part of the community!
This question comes up again every so often. Take a look at these resources and try the recommended solutions. If you still need assistance, I or someone else in the community might be able to give you a more hands on answer.
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Attempting to resolve a problem similar to this How to combine different items from different runs into one run?
I have a paginated response (600 items per run) that loops currently till it hits the end at 26 runs before no more items are returned.
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First off, please be nice. I’m creating my first workflow in N8N - I feel like this is probably easy but I just cannot wrap my head around it!
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August 26, 2024, 3:58pm
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