Command Palette!

Haven’t found any other suggestion for this, so here goes…

Command palettes are very popular nowadays, especially for power users. As devs we use it constantly in VS Code, and there are some great implementations of this functionality in other apps (Linear, GitHub, Figma, Raycast, etc.).

That being said, a command palette in n8n would be amazing!

Ideally, the command palette should allow:

  • searching for nodes and adding them to the current workflow
  • searching, creating and opening other workflows
  • searcing, opening, adding credentials
  • opening the executions menu (github has an interesting way of narrowing down commands, ideally we could narrow down executions by workflow)
  • execute a workflow (?)
  • import/export workflows
  • access the settings of a workflow

ssleptsov/ninja-keys looks like a promising package that also supports Vue.

That is indeed a very cool proposal! And thanks for pointing us to that package — looks promising.