Decrease interval time between two consecutive "rest/push?sessionId" calls

Hello n8n community,

We would like to change the interval time between two consecutive “rest/push?sessionId” calls to 10 seconds in order to avoid any “Connection Lost”. Is there any parameters or variables that we could set ?


Hi @laurent,

When you say interval time what do you mean? Like do you want to wait 10 seconds before triggering the next node?

Right now, the calls are done every 15/16 seconds. Could we lower this to 10 seconds ?

Oh I see, I have not seen a config option to change that but I suspect there is more to it than just a config option like the network speed and general response times.

@harshil1712 have you seen anything for this sort of thing?

Hey @laurent,

You main want to change the Execution Process. You can learn about it here: Long time before starting webhook execution - #2 by jan

Hey @laurent,

How are you doing?

Did the solution work for you? Let us know if you are still stuck :slight_smile:

Hi harshil1712,

This is not related to Long time before starting webhook execution - #2 by jan , but more to this issue [1]. However, we cannot update the configuration of our reverse proxies (+ we are using a mesh network by means of envoy) whose timeout is fixed to 10 seconds. We tried with decreasing the time in between two consecutive calls in n8n, and it seems to work. Unfortunately, this value is not easily tweakable from the configuration file.

[1] UI Connection Lost - Server-Sent Events
