Desktop App: list version number of download page

The idea is:

Please list the version number for the Desktop app on the download page to allow easy comparison of what the latest available version is vs the version that you have installed.

This idea is also related to the auto update feature request
Desktop App ad Help: Check for Updates - Feature Requests - n8n

My use case:

A n8n Desktop app user is able to determine if they are running the most current version, by checking the version listed in the ‘About’ menu of n8n Desktop with the current n8n Desktop version number listed on the download page of the n8n website.

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

There is no easy to way to compare the currently installed version of n8n Desktop vs the available download version. The Desktop app has no auto update or prompt for update for users to know they are running an out of date version.