It could be very difficult to implement something like that. Because a websocket has to be kept active and “the bot” has to be brought to the server.
Thank you creating this feature request. Are you specifically interested in the Trigger for a bot? If not, you can use the slash commands that can trigger your workflow, process the incoming data, and send a reply back to Discord. I have worked on this before, and if you would like to learn how I did it, here’s the link to the YouTube Playlist: Discord Slash Command - YouTube
Yes, it is intended as a bot function.
Events something like: Reaction, Message created.
The other way round, of course, it would also be cool to delete messagesor give a role on the other side, for example.
Doing that should theoretically not be very complicated. You can look at the code of any of the Queue-Nodes. Also they keep an active connection. Here for example the RabbitMQ-Node:
The only disadvantage is that they are more resource intensive.
I would love the Trigger node for discord too.
I would love to be able to trigger an action based on a message sent on a certain discord channel.
+1 vote to the feature request
thank you
Another vote for a Discord channel message trigger.
+1 as well.
+1, I’d like to see that feature a lot!
+1 for me! this is a great idea!
You might be interested in this: Community node - Discord Trigger / Send
Is a discord trigger in works?
I want to create a workflow that reacts when a message is created (e.g. sentimental analysis). In the meantime, is there any solution so that Discord calls the n8n-webhook in a workflow?
Maybe a small app in Discord. Any idea? Would be really important!
YES! Please
I need that so bad.
I’m really lost trying to create a workflow with Discord.
It’s way harder than it should be.
Just gonna revive this, because I also want it to happen. Only need a default discord-node trigger so I can do something with a message that is send in the server.
i too would like this revived. more attention needs to be focuses on discord integration.
this would be a really nice addition
Yes, another vote. Hopefully we don’t need to wait more years. lol
PLEASE add this. I am doing market research for an app I am building and most people here (In the middle of the USA) most people here have never heard of Telegram. All of them use Discord daily. I am having to choose between a Gmail and a Telegram trigger. To be fair there is a Twilio trigger but it’s an absolute nightmare to set up an A2P campaign on Twilio’s website for a hobbyist like me. So Im forced to chose between Telegram and Gmail. It would be awesome, thank you!
When does the trigger for Discord?