Execute Workflow by Name

The idea is:

to make it possible to execute a workflow by name (database name of workflow), not just by id, because the id needs to execute a request which can make the process a little slower

My use case:

facilitate communication between the various workflows that I have, in addition to the fact that when I provide maintenance services, if someone removes and adds the workflow again, they have to change the id even if the name remains the same.

Would you solve these two problems below in each area or workflow that is needed

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

it will avoid having to add more nodes to be able to just capture the id that would be found if the name was used

Any resources to support this?

Update database to use not just id, but name too

Are you willing to work on this?


This makes absolute sense. Especially if you’re working on a workflow in a test environment and then need to move it to a production one, because there’s no guarantee that the workflow ID’s will remain the same across environments. Alternatively, it should be possible to specify the workflow by path, relative to the current instance.

and even local file was not good to solve the problem, is not in sync, so i think use the workflow name

Creating additional workflows is essential if you’re handling large datasets, or you want to use DRY principles to avoid duplication. I’ve ended up having to memorise my workflow IDs, which really isn’t scalable and often slows me down. The fact that IDs aren’t even visible in the workflow list makes this even harder - you have to click through to a workflow and then look at its URL to get the ID. +1 for this feature!

To solve this in the past I already migrated to using a database and I had to use a node before mysql/postgres to be able to get it by name, so with the ID I could merge the data and use the id to call run the flow, a good trick hahaha

up :slight_smile:

I’m a bit tired of keeping the workflow IDs that I need to execute for different environments in the notepad.

now imagine with lots of workflows with random id ou you setting manual, it`s nor perfomatic memorize each one, is better a select with the workflows name to select

yes, I know. We have 3 different environments and the migration of any workflows with Execute Workflow Node between them is a pain

Great idea!! This would make copying workflows between projects much easier, I hope it can be adopted soon!

Adding my vote for this, but I think there is a technical roadblock, which is that there is no unique constraint on workflow.name Currently, (checked on v1.63.4), there is nothing that prevents renaming a workflow to have the same name as another one. Multiple Credentials items can have the same name too.