I would like to fill specific cells of a google sheet (the yellow ones in the following example)
Using the Google sheet node, I have no idea how to do it. The Document and sheet fields are ok, but I can’t find a way to make the data mode or column to match my use case. There is an error on this field (see below).
I’ve seen a few examples using another google sheet node that seems less confusing and better fit my needs (using range and row indexes) but I can’t find this node in my instance.
I’ve seen a few examples using another google sheet node that seems less confusing and better fit my needs (using range and row indexes) but I can’t find this node in my instance.
This was probably an older version of the Google Sheets node. While it was a little more complicated than the current version, it did make operations like “just write in this particular cell” possible which the current node no longer supports
So you’d have to resort to the HTTP Request node here instead. I’ll see if I can come up with an example and will get back to you as soon as I can. This might take a while as I have not directly used the Google Sheets API before.
Replace 1hlRU37P03VoPkneyfhuPqaUPCB2fkbSzC_jDwUam0pg in the request URL with the ID of your Google Sheet. You can get this ID from the URL of your Google Sheet:
Adjust the Sheet1!B3 range accordingly if your spreadsheet has a different name or you want to write into a different cell. It has to specified twice, once at the end of the URL and once as a body parameter.