Fill a specific cell of a Google Sheet


I would like to fill specific cells of a google sheet (the yellow ones in the following example)


Using the Google sheet node, I have no idea how to do it. The Document and sheet fields are ok, but I can’t find a way to make the data mode or column to match my use case. There is an error on this field (see below).

I’ve seen a few examples using another google sheet node that seems less confusing and better fit my needs (using range and row indexes) but I can’t find this node in my instance.

Any idea?

Hi @G-Rom, sorry to hear you’re having trouble.

I’ve seen a few examples using another google sheet node that seems less confusing and better fit my needs (using range and row indexes) but I can’t find this node in my instance.

This was probably an older version of the Google Sheets node. While it was a little more complicated than the current version, it did make operations like “just write in this particular cell” possible which the current node no longer supports :frowning:

So you’d have to resort to the HTTP Request node here instead. I’ll see if I can come up with an example and will get back to you as soon as I can. This might take a while as I have not directly used the Google Sheets API before.

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Alright, here we go:

In the example, I am using this method from the Google Sheets API to update the value of a cell.

Things you would need to adjust on your end are:

  1. Replace 1hlRU37P03VoPkneyfhuPqaUPCB2fkbSzC_jDwUam0pg in the request URL with the ID of your Google Sheet. You can get this ID from the URL of your Google Sheet:
  2. Adjust the Sheet1!B3 range accordingly if your spreadsheet has a different name or you want to write into a different cell. It has to specified twice, once at the end of the URL and once as a body parameter.

Hope this helps!


It seems great. I’ll give it a try. Thanks

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