From Telegram to Facebook

Hi! I am new with n8n and try to understand. Excuse me for my English.

I created a workflow where I listen from a Telegram Group chat and trigger when a new message appear. I want to scrap this message and send it to a Facebook Page.

I am able to create the new message, but I try to figure out how I can send all photos (maybe with media_group_id?) and Preview Link also.

Can you help me with that? Thank you.

Hi @Tommy_Grignon, welcome to the community :tada:

Which part exactly are you struggling with? Are you already getting the photos and are having trouble posting them on your Facebook page? If so, can you confirm how the data you currently have in n8n looks like (especially your binary data)?

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Thank you !

  1. I am able to get updates from my Telegram Group and I get the JSON associated.

  2. I mock the data, take only what I want (with a “last read” variable like) to send only new messages.

There is the trick… because Telegram create a new json for each message, I get many line for a same message. For example : in Telegram I create a message with 3 images included. In Telegram I can see 1 message with the album associated.


But in JSON I got much more informations

  "ok": true,
  "result": [
      "update_id": 611420912,
      "channel_post": {
        "message_id": 444,
        "date": 1683730562,
        "media_group_id": "13469844501858961",
        "photo": [
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAbxkW7CCI2_KFhMjyHI34dYS_G-qLgACk6sxG0UT2Ub3w7q5q4RhFgEAAwIAA3MAAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADk6sxG0UT2UZ4",
            "file_size": 1576,
            "width": 90,
            "height": 58
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAbxkW7CCI2_KFhMjyHI34dYS_G-qLgACk6sxG0UT2Ub3w7q5q4RhFgEAAwIAA20AAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADk6sxG0UT2UZy",
            "file_size": 26925,
            "width": 320,
            "height": 207
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAbxkW7CCI2_KFhMjyHI34dYS_G-qLgACk6sxG0UT2Ub3w7q5q4RhFgEAAwIAA3gAAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADk6sxG0UT2UZ9",
            "file_size": 82328,
            "width": 671,
            "height": 435
        "caption": "Test N8N"
      "update_id": 611420913,
      "channel_post": {
        "message_id": 445,
        "date": 1683730562,
        "media_group_id": "13469844501858961",
        "photo": [
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAb1kW7CC41j3cBMLwM74b9LxFWk9sAAClKsxG0UT2UZxidIbZaI1BgEAAwIAA3MAAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADlKsxG0UT2UZ4",
            "file_size": 1528,
            "width": 90,
            "height": 69
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAb1kW7CC41j3cBMLwM74b9LxFWk9sAAClKsxG0UT2UZxidIbZaI1BgEAAwIAA20AAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADlKsxG0UT2UZy",
            "file_size": 29381,
            "width": 320,
            "height": 247
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAb1kW7CC41j3cBMLwM74b9LxFWk9sAAClKsxG0UT2UZxidIbZaI1BgEAAwIAA3gAAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADlKsxG0UT2UZ9",
            "file_size": 126135,
            "width": 792,
            "height": 612
      "update_id": 611420914,
      "channel_post": {
        "message_id": 446,
        "date": 1683730562,
        "media_group_id": "13469844501858961",
        "photo": [
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAb5kW7CCY8wPXdugaWzl1x8K0J8iGQAClasxG0UT2UbkUEhk2EU_xgEAAwIAA3MAAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADlasxG0UT2UZ4",
            "file_size": 1985,
            "width": 90,
            "height": 90
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAb5kW7CCY8wPXdugaWzl1x8K0J8iGQAClasxG0UT2UbkUEhk2EU_xgEAAwIAA20AAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADlasxG0UT2UZy",
            "file_size": 38223,
            "width": 320,
            "height": 320
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAb5kW7CCY8wPXdugaWzl1x8K0J8iGQAClasxG0UT2UbkUEhk2EU_xgEAAwIAA3gAAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADlasxG0UT2UZ9",
            "file_size": 216478,
            "width": 800,
            "height": 800
            "file_id": "AgACAgEAAx0CWFA9BAACAb5kW7CCY8wPXdugaWzl1x8K0J8iGQAClasxG0UT2UbkUEhk2EU_xgEAAwIAA3kAAy8E",
            "file_unique_id": "AQADlasxG0UT2UZ-",
            "file_size": 254359,
            "width": 1024,
            "height": 1024

I just want to create 1 simple message, with all image associated. After that I want to send it to Facebook Page.

I think I need to build a new json with each values, but I am a little lost here, I don’ really know how I can do that. I know the media_group_id is the same for all images associated, but it stop here. Maybe sending each line into a mysql database and when it’s finish, poll my database to create a new JSON output? Need advices.

I have some update. What I did is scrap data with an external PHP script and save image into my webserver. After that I can access to a new JSON object like this

    "611420911": {
      "text": "test",
      "media_group_id": ""
    "\"13469844501858961\"": {
      "text": "Test N8N",
      "media_group_id": "\"13469844501858961\"",
      "photo": [
    "\"13469898969295345\"": {
      "text": "Test N8N Active",
      "media_group_id": "\"13469898969295345\"",
      "photo": [

Now I have my message, merged, and I have each image link into my object. How I can use the Facebook Node and send as Photos to Facebook?

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Hi @Tommy_Grignon, perhaps you want to check out this post? It has a quick example workflow for posting photos on a Facebook page.

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