How to build powerful APIs with n8n (Berlin 2024 live event)

Hey everyone! :wave:

At the recent n8n event in Berlin, I had the chance to tell a bit about turning n8n workflows into APIs. Today, Iā€™m excited to finally release the recording from this session :movie_camera:

In this quick presentation, I walk through three ways to share APIs - from a simple setup to a fully-featured API with authentication, rate limiting, versioning, subscription plans and more, using Tyk.

Big thanks to @maxT for the second camera view! :raised_hands:

Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts - feel free to like, share, and comment!


It was so refreshing seeing you performing genius workflows on stage! :ok_hand: Love it how the recording turned out.


Thanks @geckse! Also, I really appreciate this great opportunity to make a short presentation at the live event. I enjoyed it very much!

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Excellent, I need some time to investigate Tyk! Going to try this out ASAP.