Right now it is on my list of things to sort out but it could be that one of the teams will pick it up for their Q1 roadmap plans. I will do some searching and see if I can find anything.
The only way on n8n 1.29.1 for updating correctly, it’s to update the settings json object with an UPDATE query in SQL for properly write the settings.
Table "public.workflow_entity"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
name | character varying(128) | | not null |
active | boolean | | not null |
nodes | json | | not null |
connections | json | | not null |
createdAt | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)
updatedAt | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)
settings | json | | |
staticData | json | | |
pinData | json | | |
versionId | character(36) | | |
triggerCount | integer | | not null | 0
id | character varying(36) | | not null |
meta | json | | |
"workflow_entity_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"IDX_workflow_entity_name" btree (name)
"pk_workflow_entity_id" UNIQUE, btree (id)
Referenced by:
TABLE "workflow_history" CONSTRAINT "FK_1e31657f5fe46816c34be7c1b4b" FOREIGN KEY ("workflowId") REFERENCES workflow_entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "execution_entity" CONSTRAINT "fk_execution_entity_workflow_id" FOREIGN KEY ("workflowId") REFERENCES workflow_entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "shared_workflow" CONSTRAINT "fk_shared_workflow_workflow_id" FOREIGN KEY ("workflowId") REFERENCES workflow_entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "webhook_entity" CONSTRAINT "fk_webhook_entity_workflow_id" FOREIGN KEY ("workflowId") REFERENCES workflow_entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "workflow_statistics" CONSTRAINT "fk_workflow_statistics_workflow_id" FOREIGN KEY ("workflowId") REFERENCES workflow_entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "workflows_tags" CONSTRAINT "fk_workflows_tags_workflow_id" FOREIGN KEY ("workflowId") REFERENCES workflow_entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
db5610b774fd4d4939ba930d452a0dceea=> SELECT * FROM workflow_entity LIMIT 1;
db5610b774fd4d4939ba930d452a0dceea=> SELECT settings FROM workflow_entity LIMIT 1;
(1 row)
Wow. It sounds like the entire “Update Workflow” API endpoint is broken at this point. There’s no way to just manipulate settings of other workflows through it – is that correct?