HTML Extract Node Enhancement: XPath Support

I love that n8n contains the HTML Extract node, incredibly useful indeed, but I’d love to see an implementation of XPath added to the node to make it easier to target specific on-page elements.

This is particularly useful to extract elements which are housed in deep XML hierarchies or on pages which reuse classes in odd ways.

Mozilla MDN Web Docs - Xpath
NPMJS - XPath Module

Yes I also need it
I am making RSS feeds using html scraping and this would be lifechanging


I also need it too!!!
I come from huginn, huginn has the website agent ,and have the XPath featrue.


In 2019 had been case for adding xpath functionality to html extract node. Then it didn’t happen.
Is there any chance to get this feature as an enhancement?

I found some packages in npm database that work on html:


Another vote for this. CSS selectors aren’t enough for some dynamic page types, this would be a big help.

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One more vote, it will be of great help

Another vote for this, really need that to work with dynamic pages