HTTP Request via Proxy (connect ECONNREFUSED

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to use a proxy server in HTTP Request (I put it in the options section of the node)
And this kind of error occurs, no matter what server address I specify:

"status": "rejected",
"reason": {
"message": "connect ECONNREFUSED",
"name": "Error",
"stack": "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1146:16)",
NodeApiError: UNKNOWN ERROR - check the detailed error for more information
    at Object.execute (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/n8n-nodes-base/dist/nodes/HttpRequest.node.js:860:27)
    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
    at async /usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/n8n-core/dist/src/WorkflowExecute.js:447:47

We’re currently on n8n v. 0.142.0, and it’s being run in Docker.

I’m trying proxy servers from this list:

Please help me understand, how to fix it.

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Welcome to the community @alfomin

Are you running the proxy server locally? What version of n8n are you using?

v. 0.142.0

I’m trying proxy servers from this list

i also get this when using a local proxy on local network. it happened since the switch over to a new backend tool in n8n I believe.

I also have this error. I’m running N8N under

Probably the change form request to axios.

You can try setting the env variable N8N_USE_DEPRECATED_REQUEST_LIB=true

yeah i’d like to not go back to depreciated if possible. But the new HTTP engine totally crippled my TOR scraping via a local proxy device.


I’m facing the same issue,
Have you find any solution ?

Thank you

Hi @Uness, have you tried setting the N8N_USE_DEPRECATED_REQUEST_LIB=true enviroment variable suggested by Ricardo to (temporarily) switch to the old library to see if this addresses the issue?

I can see that my colleagues have already flagged this to @krynble who will be back next week and who will take a closer look into the implications of the library change in this context. Until then it would be of great help if you could the above suggestion a go to narrow down the issue.

Hi @MutedJam

Just tested that, but no sucess.

I’m using Private Dedicated Proxies i just bought. I’m sure that i’m missing something.

I got bored so took a quick look at this one, The problem is the proxy option is being sent in the wrong format to Axios so you end up with "proxy": "whatever_the_value" and it looks like Axios wants an object like "proxy" : { "host": "host_name", "port": "port" }

As a very quick and dirty concept if you pop open HttpRequest.node.ts and find if (options.proxy !== undefined) ~ line 715…


requestOptions.proxy = options.proxy as string;


let proxy = (options.proxy as string).split(":");
requestOptions.proxy = {host: proxy[0], port: proxy[1]};

It will start working as expected, There is a catch though… In the UI where you input the proxy address it won’t work with a protocol as Axios always assumes HTTPS (why would you use an HTTP proxy anyway) so you would need to input the IP / Hostname and port like (this is a proxy I found on the free list)

Happy to pop in a pull request with this quick fix but I think a better one might be to have 2 fields for proxy one for host and one for port and if it can be worked out a select box for the protocol (HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS(?) ).

Anyway… I hope this helps those with problems using proxies.


If anyone is interested I have create a pull request for this one.

I have also added in a couple of extra options for proxies that require authentication.


Hello everyone!

I’m sorry about the delay! Thanks @Jon for your help!

I created another PR based on your changes that make n8n compatible with both request and axios libraries.

You can follow-up on it here: Fixed the way proxies are declared with axios by krynble · Pull Request #2384 · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub

Should be released soon.


@krynble looks good to me, I didn’t look into the protocol side of Axios too much but if you specify HTTP does that include HTTPS as well or does HTTPS need to be a config option as I can’t see many people using an HTTP proxy.

Hey @Jon

In order to use https you’d need to specify it as part of your proxy URL, such as: https://user:[email protected]:1234

You can also use SOCKS5 for instance this way.


Nice that is a winner

Got released with [email protected]

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i’ll have to check if my docker has auto-updated to this version

If you are trying to use HTTP node with proxies to scrape some external website, this might be very relevant:

ScrapeNinja n8n node supports custom proxies and also features rotating proxies from many countries, out of the box.

if “custom proxy” is selected, http(s) proxy can be filled in http://user:pw@host:port format.