Integrate ChatWoot API

ChatWoot is a chatbot/CRM which allow you to interact via WhatsApp, FB Messenger, Telegram, Line, EMail and SMS

The idea is:

My use case:

  • So that I could extract conversation from ChatWoot and analyze them with Humanic AI or translate them with DeepL, or sync client with Mautic.

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

  • One more awesome OpenSource project to team with for n8n.

Any resources to support this?

Are you willing to work on this?

  • Yes but I’m a very poor dev, not a dev at all :P, this is why I use n8n.

I second this, chatwoot is both the ideal open source to integrate with n8n, especially with the chatGPT trend, this could be improved further

My use case : further cross platform integration with chatwoot chat platform and dialogflow with airtable

This exist : @sufficit/n8n-nodes-chatwoot - npm

I didn’t test it.

Poke @HugoDeco ?


Yes. Its working. Ive added a few methods Just for integrate with quepasa whatsapp api.

The chatwoot api and documentation isnt match, so at this n8n node im beeing including methods since It was tested.

Its very easy to extend, just send a pull requests or ask me for an endpoint requests.


A chatwoot node for n8n would be an excellent addition. This will allow making chatbots using ChatGPT node using n8n blazingly fast and easy.