LinkedIn Post not showing image for URL

I must have misread the release notes. For some reason I thought it was fixed in the latest release but I guess I was looking at an older version in the release notes.

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@Jon this is still broken :confused: Just shared an article with latest update version: 0.231.2.
When sharing the article, there is no thumbnail at all of the image.

I have found the workaround with JSON and what seems to cause the issue with sharing the article and not get the image is actually: Title & description. When removed from JSON it works fine to share and it fetches the image.

So if you would like to post an article on Linkedin and instead of using Linkedin node, you can create a HTTP Request and set:

Method: Post
Authentication: Predefined Credential Type
Credential Type: LinkedIn Oauth2 API
Credential for LinkedIn OAuth2 API: You Linkedin Credentials
Enable Send Body
Body Content Type: JSON

Change your organization code (12345678 in JSON Below) if you are sharing as organization

JSON Code:

    "author": "urn:li:organization:12345678",
    "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
    "specificContent": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
            "shareCommentary": {
                "text": "Learning more about LinkedIn by reading the LinkedIn Blog!"
            "shareMediaCategory": "ARTICLE",
            "media": [
                    "status": "READY",
                     "originalUrl": ""
    "visibility": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"

That is it! You can now share an article and you will get the image and article preview when shared on linkedin,


Which version are you using? 0.231.2 fixes the issue that prevented anyone posting at all but it has not updated the way images are sent yet, Oddly enough I worked out the cause over a year ago and have just not had a chance to fix it yet.

Will get the fix in this week.

I’m using: 0.231.2. However the workaround is working great!
Thanks for awesome support

@Mec just took another quick look, The workaround you have is what we were using but you are using the ugcPosts endpoint which is the old API that is mean to be disabled soon. The new api uses the posts endpoint which has some different rules.

For the new API the title is required but it looks like they no longer automatically fetch the thumbnail so an extra API call needs to be added, This won’t be as quick as originally expected and will need to go through the prioritisation process but I know we are planning a node overhaul at some point so I suspect this will happen as part of that unless I can find a couple of free hours before then.

API Docs: Article Ads API - LinkedIn | Microsoft Learn

0.236.3 is still broken.

@joeldeteves what error are you seeing? For me it is currenlty working.

It’s not an error; the image thumbnails are still missing from all LI posts

Hey @joeldeteves,

That makes more sense, So this is not something that has been changed recently and my previous post is the last update on it.

Currently this has a fairly low priority but once this is fixed we will post an update here.

since the April 2023 API update, when posting an Article, LinkedIn will no longer automatically fetch the thumbnail from the article’s URL.

so I guess, we need to be patient.

As @Jon mentionned a while back, a new development needs to be done to call the Images API to get the thumbnail

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v1.3.1 → still not posting thumbnails.

We are still using Zapier to re-post from other sources, to work around this.

Our internal API is almost finished - so we won’t be needing N8N anymore after that. Can’t justify the pricing vs Zapier, especially when little things like this go for months without being fixed.

Hey @joeldeteves,

I get that, sadly we have to prioritise issues though based on usage and what the community are after and while it looks like a little issue there is a bit more to it.

I believe this still has a low priority in our backlog but should be picked up during one of our backlog sessions in the future.

There is a workaround by using the http request node to make the calls but it is a bit more involved.


Hi Jon and the n8n team,

I understand that issue prioritization is necessary, especially for a rapidly developing project like n8n. However, having the LinkedIn thumbnail functionality up and running would significantly benefit our social media marketing efforts.

I’m sure we’re not the only ones waiting for such features. It could also be a strong selling point for people who are choosing between n8n and other platforms like Zapier, particularly when it comes to value for money.

We’d love to see this feature move up the priority list. Even if a temporary workaround with the HTTP request node exists, a more straightforward workflow would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering this.

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For a bit of fun on a Sunday morning I have added support for this.

To use this I have added a new option under the additional options for an Article post.

Because LinkedIn no longer automatically generates these you would need to manually generate your thumbnail image for the article and pass the binary data item like you would when uploading an image.

You can find the PR below, Once reviewed it will be merged and available in a future release.

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I had missed that the PR had been approved, I have now merged this and it should be available in the next release which would be 1.16.0


New version [email protected] got released which includes the GitHub PR 7489.