LinkedIn Post not showing image for URL


when using these parameters :

i get that output :

Capture d’écran 2022-06-29 133823

  1. we made progress : the grayed area is now clickable and automatically generates a title/description
  2. but, it’s still not showing the image

If i create a post manually on Linkedin with the same URL: it works (sanity check)

If i put the URL in the Text, and then select Media Category = Post, we get no image and no clickable grey area : the URL appears in the LinkedIn post as a shortened url (which is normal) and that’s it : no image.

→ You did succeed : can you tell me what parameters did you use to be able to generate the image ?

Can you share that link with me? I will give it a test here and make sure it still works.

i guess you meant the url : Thèmes PrestaShop Gratuits : Où Les Trouver & 4 Exemples

Looks fine for me…

I have used this…

Are you sure you are on either the fix branch from Github or the 0.184.0 release that went out this morning?

we did update n8n on our server yesterday. but not today

Hey @Kam,

That will be it, The code change was waiting to be merged so if you wanted it early it could have been used directly from Github with a custom image.

The good news is the fix is live and in version 0.184.0 so an update should get you up and running :+1:


it works !
@Jon, you’re a star

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Hi @Jon, today I have updated to 0.184.0 and now works perfectly!

Thanks you!!!

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Strange… I followed @Jon 's example and actually got it to post correctly.

But oddly enough, (on my second post attempt) the LinkedIN node gave 422 “invalid request” error. I believe this is a mandatory “cool down” time after you post once. It still posted the content though…

Here’s the cause:

{"message":"422 - {\"errorDetailType\":\"com.linkedin.common.error.BadRequest\",\"message\":\"com.linkedin.content.common.exception.BadRequestResponseException: Content is a duplicate of urn:li:share:69_56\",\"errorDetails\":{\"inputErrors\":[{\"description\":\"Duplicate post is detected\",\"input\":{},\"code\":\"DUPLICATE_POST\"}]},\"status\":422}","name":"Error","stack":"Error: Request failed with status code 422\n    at createError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)\n    at settle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)\n    at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:269:11)\n    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:539:35)\n    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:domain:475:12)\n    at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1345:12)\n    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)"}

Hey @Entrepositive,

That is interesting, it looks like LinkedIn is saying the post is a duplicate so I would have thought it wouldn’t accept it as a post.

Are you saying that you got that error and it still posted the same content multiple times?

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I posted, and there was a delay at (clicking refresh in browser, no new post). So I reposted, got the error immediately, checked LinkedIn and noticed there was a new post. Couldn’t confirm if it was the first or the second.

So I posted a third time, with new content but using same app / API key/secret and immediately got the error. Then I noticed the (third post attempt) content had posted anyway. :man_shrugging:

In the end I posted three times, got two error messages and two posts went live.


That sounds odd but would be worth reporting to LinkedIn as we don’t really have any control over that.

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This seems to be broken again. Can you test once more?

It looks like this is the cause of the issue:

After removing the description and title, the thumbnail image is showing for me and it works fine since that data gets pulled from the URL anyway!

This should be added to the docs :sunglasses:

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Just a FYI, this is broken again. Seeing that the LinkedIn node has not been updated to handle the new LinkedIn API spec for articles with images attached to them, I have moved my LinkedIn workflow back to Zapier.

@Jon : I have the same issue @joeldeteves : The LinkedIn Node can publish a Post on the website but the image is missing.
Same problem as before

@Kam @joeldeteves are you both using at least 0.223.0? This uses the newer LinkedIn API route.

i’m on 0.224.4


@Kam just gave it a quick go and it failed for me as well, I will take a look and see if anything else has changed with the API that we might have missed.

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Updated to the latest version with the bugfix and it still appears to be broken

Hey @joeldeteves,

Which bugfix? I have not had a chance to update this since mentioning it was broken for me last month as well.

It was fixed but it looks like the recent API changes have broken it again.