Manually map RSS Feed keys?

This request is mainly related to Feedburner and their "feedburner:origLink* property.

I’ve tested different tricks to try and extract it but I could only grab 1 item from the list or the entire list is returned as 1 item

I’m considering writing a simple php script to do this conversion for me but I was wondering if it’d be something worth including in the RSS Feed Read node

Another alternative would be to create a node that can set/increment/decrement integers and be referenced in a Function node using Javascript

Side note:
I’m a long time user of Zennoposter which has a similar concept for creating and automating workflows and browser emulation. It’s worth checking out for ideas on what nodes to add

@dave0 Can you please post the link of the RSS feed.

@jan The Hacker News

Like that you can put split them in different items:
(You can simply copy & paste it into n8n)

Ah I may have to freshen up on ES6. Your tip is much appreciated :smiley:

In case anyone needs it, here is a modified snippet to include titles for the Function node

const articles = items[0] => {
  return [item['title'],item['feedburner:origLink']];

return => {
  return {
    json: {

Cheers :tada: