I’m having issues with this Excel node; it’s not updating rows, whether by ID or any column. If I set a range from A1:BV2, it only goes up to that row 2 and overwrites. My spreadsheet has more than approximately 30,000 rows. With the Google Sheets node, I never had this problem, and I didn’t have to set a range. Now, with Microsoft Excel, everything is chaotic. Does anyone know how to work around my problem and have it search the sheet for the row to be updated? Thank you!"
n8n version: 0.236.3
Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker
I had a look into this and was able to reproduce the problem. To be honest, I am not quite sure I understand how this node should handle Append or Update operations, but I reckon this is very much not it.
As such I will add this to our engineering backlog for a closer look and a fix. We will of course update this thread as soon as there is any feedback.