I want to insert some data into my mongo database but n8n node does not have any input to giving data and I just can insert some empty rows
what can I do for it?
It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.
- n8n version:
- Database (default: SQLite):
- n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
- Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
- Operating system:
I tried to do it with http requests but for doing that I need to import mongo library and I cant
Hi @amir, thanks for reaching out. The node needs to be provided a JSON list of key-value pairs as input. The key-value pairs would correspond to the fields and values contained in the inserted documents. You then would want to specify the fields from your JSON input you want to be populated in the new document.
Here’s another discussion from our forum around the behavior of this node:
thank you
now I have another problem
when I send 2000 requests to my database it will works but in my workflow the node is still in progress and don’t let next node to be run
how can I manage it?
You could batch your requests so that the node has to process fewer each time and is able to respond faster, thus unblocking your workflow.