Move Binary Base64

Hi, can you help me with this node ?
My source are some pase64 pdf that are coming like this:


But the Pase64 content would be not processed.

What can i do ?


I have it. Another question: How i can have the right file-name from the pdfs ? When i use file-name from the before node its every the first one.


Great that you could figure out the first part.

About the second one. More or less impossible to help you there. Could you share a workflow which demonstrates that problem (with some mock data) that we can debug and post back a solution?

Mmh, its not so easy to build a mock. Another try:

Do you know what i want ?

Yes, I know now what you mean. I checked the code and there was was a bug in the code, sorry! It read the “Options” wrong. The bug got fixed now:
It will be released with the next version. I will inform you here once it got released.

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Got released with [email protected]