The subcategory would by the MySQL Node.
The idea is:
The idea is advancing on the already existing MySql Node Select functionality. It looks like everything is woroking for strings and numbers, but for dates the “bigger than” and “less than” operators produce an error.
My use case:
In my usecase I wanted to select all entries from my database which are older than a specific date (the last runtime).
I think it would be beneficial to add this because:
Since these are basic operators - you would reduce the amount of effort needed to “architect” around not having them. One could of course start using EPOCH time and use this as a number or doing any other solution, but impacting the database design to allow to use a tool should not be the way to go.
Any resources to support this?
My original help request ticket - MySQL Node - Select -> 'Select Rows' works with numbers
Are you willing to work on this?
Willing yes - capacity, no.