N8N Cloud Lifetime Deal For Early Adopters, Self Funding with Faster growing!

The idea is:

Offering a one-time payment offer for N8N Cloud… Similar offer to competitors Albato, Pabbly Connect, Integromat AKA Make, Integrately and more…

My use case:

Host N8N on the cloud for Lifetime with auto-update through a special offer for a limited time…

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

Getting fast funds is one of the most important things in this world, imaging promoting N8N on AppSumo with 3M Enterpenure who highly interested in automations of no code… Even make.com ran an LTD before with another brand name called Boost.space

The benefits for Founders are numerous, it’s a marketing strategy by offering a deal for the future and getting cash for now and investing it in growing the product fast with SELF FUNDING!! Imagine with only 60 days about 3 Million targeted enterpenure who interested 100% in automation will be able to buy this deal and support N8N Cloud…

Not just that!! The big game change in the BACK LINKS!! AppSumo and their affiliates doing mass promotions, shares, and articles about the deal, and it can stay for a long live… after the 60 days end N8N will get visitors from these backlinks, and they will be forced to support the MRR…

There’s an extra marketing strategy that gives N8N more funds… Like Addons with paying directly, or LAST CHANCE LTD on the website directly and more…

Any resources to support this?

Are you willing to work on this?

I’m not a programmer, but i own a many social media channels to share tech stuff and deals… If N8N launches LTD on any platform, I will be the first one who shares the deal to get sales and make this idea success. (And definitely Full stack the LTD, LoL.)