N8N with Azure OpenAI

Hello Team,

It’s fantastic news about the LangChain integration with N8N. However, I’d like to inquire whether there are any specific LLM integrations, particularly with Azure OpenAI?

We’re currently utilizing an in-house Azure OpenAI setup with specific deployment details like names, versions, and endpoint URLs. My goal is to understand the process of setting up N8N to establish communication with this Azure OpenAI to retrieve specific information. If there’s an existing solution available, could you please share a sample with me so that I can test it out?



It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hey @Sathya_Narayanan,

There is nothing specific for Azure OpenAI yet but it is something we want to add soon.

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Hey thanks for the response, just want to check if we have any ETA planned ?

Hey @Sathya_Narayanan,

There is no ETA that I am aware of but we release every week and are planning some updates for the existing OpenAI node so I suspect it will be part of that.


Any update on this request ?


Hey @Sathya_Narayanan,

Nothing yet, We will be planning our Q1 actions in a couple of days so this may make it into that.

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Hi @Jon,
I’m wondering if you are going to support Azure OpenAI ?

Any news ?
Thanks in advance

Hey @legox,

Welcome to the community :cake:

We do plan on supporting it, Just no dates yet.

+1 on need

Sign me up for this as well!

In contrast to the aforementioned request, as a temporary solution until N8N incorporates this feature, I’ve employed Flowise (an open-source, no-code Low-Code Machine Learning platform) that encompasses Azure capabilities and supports API. Presently, I am utilizing Flowise in conjunction with N8N integration to execute certain automation tasks. I trust that this information proves beneficial to someone facing a similar use case.

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Thats a good alternative.

I found Azure OpenAI Chat Model | n8n Docs

It looks like support is there, but I’m not able to get it working. The credential setup is unclear, and without a way to debug the error, I’m not sure how to setup the endpoints/keys/deployment.

Yeah, I don’t think the nodes are exposed yet for some reason. I submitted an issue to track this, here:

Just as an update for anyone following along… the nodes are available it was down to an older n8n version being used.

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im not able to connect the node to any other nodes. Can I know whats the issue please?

Hey @Nazih_Saba,

You are likely on an older version of n8n, Try using 1.31.0 which should sort it out.

My Admin provided me with a URL for our Azure GPT instance. But neither the credientials nor the node allow me to set an URL. Can anyone give me a hint?

Hey @MehrCurry,

Which node are you trying?

I am in the Cloud V 1.29.1 using Azure OpenAI Chat Model.
