I’ve noticed that the latest version of n8n is a bit popup happy, showing ‘helpful’ popups when you writing an expression, sometimes completely covering the code that you’re trying to look at.
Sorry for the tone of the previous message, I was really rather irritated at the time. I still think that it would be nice if you could turn these automatic popups off, like you can do in most professional editors.
Currently I have to switch to “Fixed” in order to edit some of my expressions, but then I lose the live preview, and I also often forget to switch back
Hi Jos! Can I just quickly ask - is the popup information itself useful and timely with the placement being off, or is the entire feature useless to you? Thanks
It’s mostly the placement, the autocompletion can be useful sometimes, (although I don’t really need it, and find it a bit distracting, since you’re only writing small pieces of code).