Problem with Webflow API Access

yes, but the webhook is working now!

But what is the problem now with webflow :frowning:

ahh glad that it worked. So if that works you should not have issues with Webflow.


loading โ€ฆ

Because you are using localhost for testing. To test a trigger, you need to run n8n with a tunnel.

I am not using localhost, n8n is hosted on my server and domain:)

The picture that you sent me (check below) says localhost. If that is what you see in your server. Then, you need to manually set the env variable WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL=yourdomain/

okay, now the url is the domain, but its loading more than 1minute :slight_smile:

Did you forget the https:// part?

like this?

Yes, try the webflow trigger now

No, same problem :joy:

Shit :frowning: