Schemas in Supabase node other than public (http custom settings ? )

Describe the problem/error/question

In the Supabase node, only the public schema is available.
See this post:

I’ve followed this

But it does not allow to change the schema, so I tried, but failed to customize the http node here

I’m not even sure of the config to set (tried import curl directly but didn’t get the url, at least, correctly.

Is there some advanced exemple of such configurations ? Would the Supabae API would allow the expected schemas in that case ?
Obviously a “select schema” box in the native Supabase node would be perfect, but I suppose I’ll have other problems with different services in the future so might be interesting to understand it a bit better…

Thanks for your support !

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hi @NiKoolass

Thanks for reporting this! Just had a play around and it indeed looks like we’re only fetching the public schemas.

Will raise an internal ticket and turn this into a feature request. Should be a low-hanging fruit to implement :slight_smile:


Hi @ria, where can we track the status of this new feature?

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After digging a bit more, I see that the issue is just that the public schema is hardcoded by default.

If I use the memory chat node, and choose Postgres it works perfectly fine.
In that case, if no schema is provided, the public schema is used by default, but if you specify it hardcoded:
Or with an expression:
{{ $json.values.object[0].value.schema }}.{{ $json.values.object[0].value.table }}

It works !

So I guess it’s something quite easy to fix ?
Thanks for considering this update :slight_smile:

The Supabase node brings the conditionnal filters with expressions, and that can be quite interesting for me.