Setting up webhook authentication for

I’ve previously used Integromat with and have just started my journey here with n8n

Unfortunately, I’m stumbling at the very first step - creating a valid response to a webhook from

I have added the webhook block and a webhook response block to my workflow

I checked the monday documentation about webhook integration and found this -

I then set up an expression in the Respond to Webhook like this -

This provides me with the Result as shown.

However, I end up with an error from this Result -

Has anyone here setup webhook authentication with

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong here?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hey @Stephen,

Can you share the workflow? Slack requires something similar so we should be able to do it.

Hi @Jon,

Not sure what else to share other than what I’ve already provided.

What do you need?

Hey @Stephen,

The more information we have the quicker we can provide a solution or point you in the right direction, Having the workflow itself will tend to save some time so that we don’t have to type out what you have used in the screenshots and guess the other options as there is often more to a node than the text that gets inputted.

I have found the Monday webhook info page and from what I can see it is only the token itself that will change not the challenge label so in theory something like the below should work which I have only tested with Curl to make sure it responds correctly.

Hi Jon,

Many thanks for your reply.
I did not realise that I could copy and paste workflows here.

I understand your comment about challenge label being fixed.

On that basis, I adjusted the response in the Respond to Webhook module. But still get a Problem executing workflow error.

Hey @Stephen,

You need to change the Respond With to Fixed then select JSON, This will give you a box so that you can set the json data to return with.

If you copy the node from my example above it should just paste into your workflow and do what you need.

Hi @Jon,

Thank you! That worked!

Easy when you know how, right?

I really appreciate your help. :slight_smile:

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Hey @Stephen,

Glad it is working :raised_hands:

Hi @Jon

Thanks for your workflow … when I used it I get the error in the “Respond to Webhook” node:

ERROR: Invalid JSON in 'Response Body' Field

I simply copied your code as below and said respond with JSON:

{  "challenge": "{{$json["body"]["challenge"]}}"  }

Do you know what the issue is?

Hi @Jon … hope you good. I’m trying to get the slack events up and running by following the steps from slack to verify my url by responding to the challenge through the ‘Respond to Webhook’ node but no luck.

→ Error from Slack

… so basically my workflow receives the ‘challange’ string but slack doesn’t get the right response. I tried sendin Text and JSON but none of them work. Is n8n maybe too slow with the response?

Any hint or idea would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @stefanendress,

Welcome to the community :raised_hands:

Nice to see you worked out the sharing :slight_smile: Slack isn’t really the same service so a new thread would normally be the best idea. Luckily though I have an example of this, the workflow below is what I use and should do the job for you.

Thanks @Jon … amazing!

I jsut tried your nodes and I get a time out on slack side … I feel like the response is too slow maybe. According to the Slack slash command documentation, you need to respond within 3000ms (three seconds). If your command takes longer then you get the Timeout was reached error. Your code obviously won’t stop running, but the user won’t get any response to their command.

Hmm, our verification request timed out before we received a response. Try again?

Any ideas?

So meanwhile, I resized my machine to a Intel 2 vCPUs, 4 GB Ram and 10 GB SSD and followed the instruction about setting the EXECUTIONS_PROCESS to main in the .env file.

Still getting a timout.

That is odd the same workflow is what I use and I get a quick response, Have you tried manually calling the webhook from curl or similar to see how long it takes?

It’s super odd … I maxed out my machine on digital ocean to a 32gb ram now and it finally worked. I don’t really understand the problem.

It must be related to loading speed. Since I installed it through a docker container using caddy (reverse proxie) I can imagine that it might affect perormance. I’m gonna speak with my devlopment team and have them investigate it cause I think there are a lot of other peeps with the same issue.

Thanks for your support @Jon

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