I’m stumped by this and I think it should be easy!
Lets say I have a html file:
<p>Para 1</p>
<p>Para 2</p>
<p>Para ...</p>
<p>Updated: 21 July 2020</p>
I want the “Updated…” paragraph
I’m getting the html using a HTML.Request and then selecting just the “P” content using a HTML.Text node.
However that then produces a json with all the text in a single array:
- [
- {
- "Text" : [
"Para 1",
"Para 2",
"Para ...",
"Updated 21 July 2020"
I was expecting Each Text: as a seperate entry rather than an array and then to run an IF node on it.
Can I get it like that? Or is there a way to do it? I Don’t seem able to get any of the function examples to work