Stop logging full query for execution

When a query is slow, this is loggged with the full query.
For executions this is a problem as it now stores data from the execution in this log.
Please modify this behaviour or let me know what to change to fix this.

Default log level, docker logs of the container.

Yes, I’ve seen some crazy huge logs get dumped in this manner.

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Also with loglevel set to error or silent these messages still pump thousands of records into the log.

Hey @BramKn you can try changing the DB_LOGGING_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME which defafults to 1000 to a higher value; this is the threshold for query logging.

I hope this helps.


Thank you! Will definitely try this

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:+1: I bumped this up to 2000 which cut a lot of the issues when the primary DB was in the opposite DC


New version [email protected] got released which includes the GitHub PR 7096.

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