Stripe Trigger - payment_intent.requires_action


I want to catch the Stripe Event “payment_intent.requires_action” but this trigger doesn’t seem to be available in the pre-set trigger list, as per attached screenshot.

Is there any way to do this using a prebuilt n8n trigger, or will I need to set it up as a webhook in Stripe, and then a Catch Webhook trigger in n8n? A prebuilt Stripe event trigger is so much easier :slight_smile:

I want to do this so I can catch any auto payments from Stripe that require a 3DS manual step (the payment_intent.requires_action event includes certificate details you can pass onto the customer to complete the transaction)


Hi @rjbathgate - welcome to the community! :tada:

You’re right in that the trigger doesn’t exist - let me take a look into this and see if I can add it for you. If I can, it would still be at least a few days (if not a week or two) before the next n8n release where it’s fully merged and included, but this might be an easy solution for me to implement into the node :slight_smile:


back again, @rjbathgate - testing this turned out to be considerably more complex than expected as it looks like their CLI and API are extremely finicky about that particular trigger. I’m going to move this to the feature request forum, which is a forum our product team monitors :+1:

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Thanks @EmeraldHerald, great and quick response. I’ve got a workaround by setting it up as a webhook to n8n myself but yeah it would be a great inbuilt trigger :slight_smile:

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@rjbathgate No worries - I just actually ended up making the PR there, so I’ll update you when I know more :smiley:

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New version [email protected] got released which includes the GitHub PR 6490.

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