Support SLA


Are there any Service Level Agreements defined for non enterprise accounts in n8n? I’ve been having some issues with the Gmail node ever since I’ve signed up for the service and then even upgraded to Pro because I misremembered that would include better support but only been bouncing back and forth between discord and the forums for the last 3 weeks with mostly no meaningful response from anyone. I really like the service, the interface, the coding options, etc but I’m worried about building anything important on it if all the support is public and with no SLAs about how quickly problems will be fixed or even picked up and investigated. I understand if the answer is no, just want to understand what I can expect before investing more time and effort in the platform.


It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hey @petholla , there is no SLA if you do not have Enterprise plan or haven’t bought Support Plan. However, you will definately get a response within 24 hours. Having said that PRO customers can report an issue with their workspace or billing. However, if you have problem building your workflow due to lack of knowledge Community forum if the place to go to and seek help from other community members. The n8n team actively participates in the community too but that depends on the workload dealing with tickets and projects.

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Thanks for the information. Any idea why these threads aren’t being responded to? Jon mentioned something about tags causing some of them not being seen by support people.

Is it public how much extra does it cost on top of the monthly $60 to get faster support response with a support plan or it’s on a case by case bases?


Hey @petholla

There is a bit more to it but it looks like one post was only 2 days old and as previously mentioned this is a known bug and there is also a GitHub issue opened for it. We have not yet fixed it but we should be getting to it soon. The reason the post was answered previously is because we try to look at the oldest posts first and there are other posts that need an answer before that one, it is also a duplicate of your other post.

On the older post I am not sure why there has been no other responses the tags on it are looking ok, originally the issue was that the post was marked as solved and this was then removed, when a post is marked as solved we have a process that removes it from the list of issues we need to look at but when it is no longer marked as solved we don’t add it back to the list.

As for the cost for support while it gets you an answer quicker it doesn’t always result in bugs being fixed quicker but as it is also designed for our enterprise plans the pricing also reflects that, I am not sure on the exact price but I suspect it will be a lot more than the cost of the cloud plan.

If you want I can get the sales team to get in touch with you about it.

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Understood, I’ve canceled our subscription for now and will consider if we feel ok resubscribing with the current support model once the bug is fixed and can use the service again.


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