Hello everyone. I’ve been using n8n for a long time and I’m really pleased with it. However, I have a question: what motivated the decision to remove the ability for the Telegram Trigger node to run in a test event mode? Everything used to work perfectly, and it was quick to spin up a bot. Now, even if I pin data from previous executions, I can’t move forward because neither the “Play” button nor “Test Workflow” works, even after importing past execution data.
Is there any chance we could fix this? Of course, I can set a custom Webhook via setWebhook, but that really slows down the process when rapidly testing new ideas. Could there be an update to allow test events to run without deactivating the workflow? Or is there a way to revert the node to how it worked before?
Thank you in advance. In the past, there were occasional freeze issues, but those were easily solved with off/on. That was still much better than the current approach.