Upload file / attanchment in n8n form trigger

The idea is:

Add an option to upload a file (any type of file) in the n8n form trigger - so users can easily upload any file without having to be authenticated, or having to connect to their Google Drive ou ant other 3rd-party system

My use case:

I need my users to upload a csv (or excel) file with data needed for the next steps of my workflow.

Are you willing to work on this?

→ Yes

Sorry if any duplicate, I have seen some similar request (upload pdf…) but no straightforaward request to upload file, without any limitation on the file type


Are you on the latest version of n8n?
This feature got added just recently.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 3.27.34 PM


Thanks @octionic I was not on the latest version and after upgrade realize that it is indeed present :wink:

This Feature request can be closed - (not sure how to do that)