To start off, welcome to the n8n community, @hadifarnoud! We hope you find your time here productive.
As to your questions, I firmly believe (if I am understanding you correctly) that what you are intending to do with n8n is exactly in line with n8n’s mission. To use a car analogy, if your entire network of systems and computers and IoT devices and online services are the vehicle that runs your business or organizations, then n8n is the transmission and gears and drive systems and pulleys that connect the engine to the tires to the steering wheel to the gas petal. Essentially n8n lets all of your separate systems work together as one cohesive machine.
As for setting this up for yourself, it can be as simple or as complex as you wish. For example, it could be nothing more than installing the n8n docker image on a preexisting windows system and having it monitor a log file that will send you an e-mail when it sees a specific event. Or, it can be as complicated as building a fully integrated IT environment that received data from hundred or thousands (or more) IoT, web service, operating system, mail, ERP, database, etc. endpoints and orchestrating a complex workflow to automate processes and system within you organization where historically you would have an army of people monitoring and reacting to events, adding in human error.
n8n allows you to let computers do what they are best at; talking to each other and performing common, repetitive tasks, leaving the interesting work such as being creative and innovative to people.
Now, you asks about downsides. As you are keenly aware, there are always negatives with any system and n8n is no exception. You or your team will need to be engages personally with n8n in order to reach your true potential with it. You will need to get a good understanding of the underlying technologies (TypeScript, Javascript, NodeJS, service APIs, etc.) along with your operating systems and services to determine how they can be integrated together using n8n.
You will also need to have a vision of what you want n8n to do for you, be able to determine where there may be gaps in the present n8n environment and be willing to put in the work to see your vision to fruition by building your own custom nodes and contributing these nodes to the rest of the community just as the community gave to you in the first place.
As for the process to getting something like this going, you’ve already taken the first steps by reaching out to the community. You have the opportunity to interact with professionals from around the world who have extensive technical and business backgrounds from almost every industry on the planet.
So, if you have not already, I would encourage you to take the following next steps:
- Find a small pilot project that you can work on that will produce useful, tangible results this week! It should be something easy that only needs a couple of integrations/nodes (see here for a list of the available integrations). If you need some inspiration, see some of the sample workflows that you can literally copy and paste into n8n, add your credentials (if needed) and have them up and running in minutes
- Find an advocate in management at your organization that shares your vision and present to them what you have done with n8n. Teach them the potential that n8n has for productivity and efficiency within the organization
- Map out areas that you can integrate together in the short term that will provide value immediately with n8n and areas that will require some work because the integrations/nodes are either not mature or are non-existent. This will help you create a roadmap for n8n within your organization
- Depending on the size of your organization, either get yourself (if you are a small organization) or your team (if you are a large organization) trained and skills in n8n and the underlying technologies.
- Share and engage with the n8n community. Let us know how we can help, your successes and failures, and ways we can all make n8n even better
I hope that answers a number of questions for you and helps you to set out a plan of action so that n8n can help your organization meet its potential. Don’t hesitate to reach out at anytime.