What does this mean: "ERROR: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open

What does the error message mean and how do I fix it Please see the attached printscreen for details and I do not know where the "C:\Windows\system32" comes from.

ERROR: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Windows\system32"C:\Users\fdavi.n8n\binaryData\googleLensResults.xls"’

Please share your workflow

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.233.0
  • **Database (default: SQLite):**default
  • **n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):**default
  • **Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):**npm
  • **Operating system:**Windows 10 Pro

Hi @fdavidg, I am so sorry for the trouble.

I don’t have a Windows instance up and running right now and this seems odd to me indeed. Are you by any chance running the npm process as the Administrator?

In general, Windows paths are weird in n8n and I’d suggest you avoid running n8n via npm. Instead, Docker is a much safer choice, allowing you to mount directories as needed and use standard Unix-like paths. For example in your earlier deployment using this command you’d use the -v C:\Users\fdavidg\.n8n:/home/node/.n8n option to make the C:\Users\fdavidg\.n8n directory to the n8n container available under /home/node/.n8n.

You can do this for multiple other directories as well, for example by adding another option -v C:\Users\fdavidg\Desktop:/desktop. In n8n, you could then simply write to /Desktop/myFile.xlsx.

If you do want to continue with npm, can you try removing your quotes around the file name and replace all backslashes \ except for the last one with forward slashes /? This has solved problems writing files on Windows in the past.

Please do let me know if this still fails, so I can try setting up a new Windows test environment and give this a go first-hand. This might take me a couple of days though.


Thank you very much for your help!

Your tip for running n8n under npm worked just great.

That part of the workflow (after HTTP Request5: Set, Code, googleLensResults and Write Binary File1 nodes) now run.

But as I have said and as you know, I really need to use the Split In Batches node done output and I hope the files I sent to you following your instructions will help.

This is a real learning experience!

Is there any other resources that I could use after reading the documentsion and checking the docs for each node to help me learn n8n? I hate to have to keep bothering you guys all the time!!!



Is there any other resources that I could use after reading the documentsion and checking the docs for each node to help me learn n8n? I hate to have to keep bothering you guys all the time!!!

So I’ve used n8n (the product) way before I actually joined n8n (the company). As for learning, I typically find breaking down a problem as much as possible and then solving it step by step is the most helpful approach.

So when looking at looping through larger datasets I’d try to either build or find a workflow that does just that - looping through a dataset. Everything else (formatting, writing files) I’d only add once the loop itself works.

Let’s continue that conversation in your other thread though where you first reported problems when using Split in Batches in your workflow :slight_smile:

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