Error when debugging splitinbatches node

Describe the issue/error/question

When I try to execute the SplitInBatches node in order to debug, I am getting this error, when executing the entire workflow, no error occurs.

What is the error message (if any)?

Problem executing workflow
There was a problem executing the workflow:
"Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined"

Please share the workflow

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.165.1
  • Database you’re using (default: SQLite):
  • Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]:
  • Running n8n via [Docker, npm,, desktop app]: Docker

Hi @Martin_Neumann, I am sorry to hear you’re having trouble here.

Could you share the JSON data coming from your WooCommerce node so I can give this a go on m end? You can of course redact the data, I’m just interested in the structure, not the actual values.

I am giving you the first 2 and the last from 25 records:

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Thanks @Martin_Neumann. This seems to work fine for me when testing this on my own instance using a slightly modified workflow:

All three items are being sent to the webhook URL as expected:

Can you confirm whether the problem also occurs to you using only the data you have provided?

I tried to import the workflow, but it gives me the following error when running:

Problem executing workflow

There was a problem executing the workflow:
"Mock Data: All returned items have to contain a property named “json”! [Line 104]"

Not sure why!

But actually, on my original workflow it is running fine if I start the entire workflow. If I execute every node separately for debugging purposes, I am getting the above error once I try to execute the SplintInBatches node. I actually have problems to debug SplitInBatches in other workflows as well, it is making it difficult for me to debug or construct anything.

There was a problem executing the workflow: “Mock Data: All returned items have to contain a property named “json”! [Line 104]”
Not sure why!

Sorry for that, I wrote the Mock code using the current n8n version. n8n version before 0.166.0 still require a json key for each object in the array returned by the Function node, I should have kept that in mind seeing you are using [email protected].

But actually, on my original workflow it is running fine if I start the entire workflow. If I execute every node separately for debugging purposes, I am getting the above error once I try to execute the SplintInBatches node.

This additional piece of information is super helpful and I could reproduce the problem. I’ll add this to our internal bug tracker for a closer look.