How to collect all iterated binaries received from single Gmail message and send it again

Hello guys,
I am doing a document reader. Documents are being sent to Gmail inbox and sometimes, a single message contains plenty of docs. I have handled splitting and reading them over a loop, now I need to join them and send them back (all) with a single Gmail message.

Found a similar topic: Downloading and Archiving Many Files Into A Single Archive
But seems it doesn’t do the same.

Thanks for your help!

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Hi @Saravicius

it would be a bit more helpful if you could share your entire workflow?

But looking at the screenshot, the issue may be that the loop does not output the binary file itself. You could bring that in with a merge node to hold the binary input to be used for the “sending documents back” node once the loop is finished.

give that a try and let me know if it works! :raised_hands:

@ria thanks for reply.
Each loop is processing a new document. But the question is here not about the loop itself, but let’s say we have a simple workflow to get x+k documents, which need to be sent through GMAIL.

@ria Any changes you can look on this thread?

Hi @Saravicius

Sorry for taking some time to get back to you…

If you are just trying to attach multiple binary files you could achieve this with a code node. Have a look at this related post here:

Hope this helps! :star2:

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