N8n desktop app is live on Product Hunt

Learning from all your feedback, we created the n8n desktop app :zap:

:rocket: Install in a few clicks
:open_file_folder: Access local files with ease
:computer: Execute shell commands locally
:money_with_wings: Use for free

Give it a spin, and show us some love on Product Hunt :sparkling_heart:


Very nice! This is going to be incredibly useful for local spatial data processing.

Is there a way to set the type of shell for the Execute Command node? I’m on Windows and I’d want to make sure it’s using the WSL Linux shell and not the Windows command terminal.

Edit: Looks like I can preface commands with wsl ... as a workaround, though it would be good to be able to set the shell globally for the workflow, or at least for each Execute Command node.

Hey @robhawkes - I’d recommend creating a feature request if you’d like to see that implemented. And don’t forget to upvote that feature request :slight_smile:

How do you find out your username / password ?

For e.g when going to https://xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx.hooks.n8n.cloud/rest/oauth2-credential/callback

code:401,”message”:”Authorization is required!”

Hey @JSmythSSG,

Welcome to the community :sparkling_heart:

Can you please create a separate topic explaining the issue in detail? From the URL, I assume that you’re trying to use it to connect to a service. But we would need more details :slight_smile: