I need to make sure the community version hosted works perfectly in queue mode with:
- a primary instance
- a webhook
- a worker
Actually, it seems to work but something looks weird to me.
I’ve set a form from n8n, and the only url working will be the production one, like;
The test url
Will receive:
Cannot GET /form-test/myform
The primary instance has been assigned with a domain, handled on clouflare, and it works perfectly (no port assigned, directly the subdomain) like:
I can access to it, creating workflows etc…
But, if I try:
I’ve got a 404 from n8n.
So for the webhook I’ve defined a new cname into Cloudlfare like:
But while trying to access it, I’ve got a:
Ce site ne peut pas fournir de connexion sécurisée
webhook.n8n.domain.com utilise un protocole incompatible.
I also would expect that the test and production generated would match the subdomain, but still having n8n generating from:
I hope this is clear enough to get a bit of help.
Here, I’d like the worker mode even without the Enterprise edition, to be abble to scale with a robust solution, and, hopefully, reach the Startup plan at some point
Thanks for your help !