Problem with Notion Integration

I have some troubles trying to append rows to Notion Database.

  1. In my last node I mapped all columns from the previous output (prepareData1) to Notion database.
    This process was too slow, select each column and assign the right field took me around 1 hour. Everytime I selected a field, n8n blocked it and ask to wait. Dissapointed.
  2. After finally mapped all columns, now send me a lot of errors.
    I know Notion is special with datatypes, so I prepared the data according in previous nodes. I don’t want to map again all the fields.

Can you please check and give a proper solution to update Notion.


What is the error message (if any)?

ERROR: Bad request - please check your parameters
400 -

Share the output returned by the last node

{“object”:“error”,“status”:400,“code”:“validation_error”,“message”:“body failed validation. Fix one:\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ should be defined, instead was undefined.\ Number.start should be defined, instead was undefined.”,“request_id”:“6ce623e2-90fe-4117-b830-7e055e78134c”} - body failed validation. Fix one: should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. should be defined, instead was undefined. Number.start should be defined, instead was `undefined

Please share your workflow

(Select the nodes on your canvas and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow.)

“meta”: {
“templateCredsSetupCompleted”: true,
“instanceId”: “eb9b6d195aff9fd09385b0e2fedaf148374defa605095e683c0d196de6158d82”
“nodes”: [
“parameters”: {},
“id”: “1a7b0fff-d1d0-40f6-be37-4a19e41e0f1a”,
“name”: “When clicking "Test workflow"”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.manualTrigger”,
“typeVersion”: 1,
“position”: [
“parameters”: {
“authentication”: “accessToken”,
“operation”: “get”,
“orderId”: “5645282509020”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “902535d9-1366-4054-b6c7-e664bbd75da6”,
“name”: “Shopify”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.shopify”,
“typeVersion”: 1,
“position”: [
“credentials”: {
“shopifyAccessTokenApi”: {
“id”: “ueTyI6iYUlwy1yEp”,
“name”: “Shopify Access Token account”
“parameters”: {
“options”: {}
“id”: “280d507c-771e-4f44-bc31-614b3cd5ed62”,
“name”: “Loop Over Items”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.splitInBatches”,
“typeVersion”: 3,
“position”: [
“parameters”: {
“conditions”: {
“options”: {
“caseSensitive”: true,
“leftValue”: “”,
“typeValidation”: “strict”
“conditions”: [
“id”: “e4efbe73-eb67-41f5-a7c1-a97dbd2ddfc6”,
“leftValue”: “={{Object.keys($items()[0].json).length === 0}}”,
“rightValue”: “true”,
“operator”: {
“type”: “boolean”,
“operation”: “true”,
“singleValue”: true
“combinator”: “and”
“options”: {}
“id”: “e8d6685c-263d-45fc-8d61-ccd1d029dd12”,
“name”: “If”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.if”,
“typeVersion”: 2,
“position”: [
“parameters”: {
“resource”: “databasePage”,
“operation”: “getAll”,
“databaseId”: {
“__rl”: true,
“value”: “1550cc65-dc27-4b74-9757-19f07c08fb74”,
“mode”: “list”,
“cachedResultName”: “Pedidos Shopify 2024”,
“cachedResultUrl”: “
“simple”: false,
“filterType”: “manual”,
“filters”: {
“conditions”: [
“key”: “Order Number|title”,
“condition”: “=contains”,
“titleValue”: “5290”
“options”: {}
“id”: “1ca70bf0-b650-446d-8327-7faffe3b795c”,
“name”: “ObtenerRecordNotion”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.notion”,
“typeVersion”: 2.1,
“position”: [
“alwaysOutputData”: true,
“credentials”: {
“notionApi”: {
“id”: “O0ArsVMsnCVYvSvb”,
“name”: “Notion account”
“parameters”: {
“resource”: “databasePage”,
“databaseId”: {
“__rl”: true,
“value”: “1550cc65-dc27-4b74-9757-19f07c08fb74”,
“mode”: “list”,
“cachedResultName”: “Pedidos Shopify 2024”,
“cachedResultUrl”: “
“title”: “Order Number”,
“propertiesUi”: {
“propertyValues”: [
“key”: “Order ID|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.order_id }}”
“key”: “Order Number|title”,
“title”: “={{ String($(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.order_number) }}”
“key”: “Created Date|date”,
“date”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.created_date }}”,
“timezone”: “”
“key”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.update_date }}”
“key”: “Month|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Month }}”
“key”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Items_qty }}”
“key”: “Financial Status|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.financial_status }}”
“key”: “={{ Number($(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Total) }}”
“key”: “Sub Total|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ Number($(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.sub_total) }}”
“key”: “Shipping|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ Number($(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shpping) }}”
“key”: “Tax|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ Number($(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Tax) }}”
“key”: “={{ Number($(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Returns) }}”
“key”: “Disccounts|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ Number($(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Disccounts) }}”
“key”: “Discount Code|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Discount_Code }}”
“key”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Comissions }}”
“key”: “Payment Method|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Payment_Method }}”
“key”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Customer_ID }}”
“key”: “Customer Last Name|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Customer_LastName }}”
“key”: “Customer First Name|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Customer_FirstName }}”
“key”: “Customer Full Name|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Customer_FullName }}”
“key”: “Customer Email|email”,
“emailValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Customer_Email }}”
“key”: “Customer Phone Number|phone_number”,
“phoneValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Custome_PhoneNumber }}”
“key”: “Marketing Email|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Marketing_Email }}”
“key”: “Marketing SMS|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Marketing_SMS }}”
“key”: “Costumer Ammount of Orders|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Costumer_Ammount_Orders }}”
“key”: “Costumer TAGS|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Costumer_TAGS }}”
“key”: “Order URL|url”,
“urlValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Order_URL }}”
“key”: “Source Name|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Source_Name }}”
“key”: “UTM Tracking|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.UTM_Tracking }}”
“key”: “UTM |rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.UTM }}”
“key”: “Shipping Method|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_Method }}”
“key”: “Shipping Company|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_Company }}”
“key”: “Shipping Tracking Number|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_Tracking_Number }}”
“key”: “Shipping URL Tracking|url”,
“urlValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_URL_Tracking }}”
“key”: “Shipping Status|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipment_status }}”
“key”: “Order TAGS|multi_select”,
“multiSelectValue”: "={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Order_TAGS }} "
“key”: “Shipping Address Name|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_AddressName }}”
“key”: “Shipping Phone|phone_number”,
“phoneValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_Phone }}”
“key”: “Shipping Address 1|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json[‘Shipping_Address 1’] }}”
“key”: “Shipping Address 2|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json[‘Shipping_Address 2’] }}”
“key”: “Shipping Reference|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_Reference }}”
“key”: “Shipping City|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_City }}”
“key”: “Shipping State|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_State }}”
“key”: “Shipping Neighbor|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_Neighbor }}”
“key”: “Shipping Zip Code|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_ZipCode }}”
“key”: “Shipping Country|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Shipping_Country }}”
“key”: “Billing Name|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_Name }}”
“key”: “Billing Phone|phone_number”,
“phoneValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_Phone }}”
“key”: “Billing Address 1|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json[‘Billing_Address 1’] }}”
“key”: “Billing Address 2|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json[‘Billing_Address 2’] }}”
“key”: “Billing City|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_City }}”
“key”: “Billing State|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_State }}”
“key”: “Billing Neighbor|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_Neighbor }}”
“key”: “Billing Zip Code|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_ZipCode }}”
“key”: “Billing Zip Code|number”,
“numberValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_ZipCode }}”
“key”: “Billing Country|select”,
“selectValue”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.Billing_Country }}”
“key”: “SKU|rich_text”,
“textContent”: “={{ $(‘prepare Data1’).item.json.sku_list }}”
“options”: {}
“id”: “494688d1-9bab-4be7-870e-4974a296c9e4”,
“name”: “InsertRecordNotion”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.notion”,
“typeVersion”: 2.1,
“position”: [
“credentials”: {
“notionApi”: {
“id”: “O0ArsVMsnCVYvSvb”,
“name”: “Notion account”
“parameters”: {
“workflowId”: “Ej3zDdSapZ2bBjt7”,
“mode”: “each”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “c1d31b44-cd5d-43ea-83ed-86a07dd26b4d”,
“name”: “Execute Workflow”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.executeWorkflow”,
“typeVersion”: 1,
“position”: [
“parameters”: {
“mode”: “runOnceForEachItem”,
“jsCode”: “let inputData = $input.item.json\n\nfunction getShippingMethodByTags(tags) {\n if (String(tags).includes("ALMACÉN")){\n return "Almacen Babylon"\n }\n else return ""\n}\n\nfunction getShippingMethodBySource(pvalue) {\n if (pvalue==="pos"){\n return "Popup Store"\n }\n else return ""\n}\n\nfunction capitalize(str){\n if (str){\n return str.split(" ").map(strPart => ${strPart[0].toUpperCase()}${strPart.slice(1)}).join(" ")\n } else return ""\n}\n\nfunction sum(arr, key){\n if (arr && arr.length > 0){\n return => x[key]).reduce((ps, a) => ps + a, 0)\n } else return 0 \n}\n\nfunction count(arr, key){\n if (arr && arr.length > 0){\n return => x[key]).reduce((ps, a) => ps + 1, 0)\n } else return 0 \n}\n\nfunction phoneNormalizer(phone){\n let strPhone = String(phone)\n if (strPhone.startsWith(‘+52’)){\n return strPhone\n } else {\n return +52${phone}\n }\n}\n\nlet sheetData2 = {\n\n "Transactions": inputData.refund_list.length === 0 ? :inputData.refund_list[0].transactions,\n}\n\nreturn sheetData2”
“id”: “7a3ce22b-d739-4d34-b18e-0865371759bb”,
“name”: “getTransactions”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.code”,
“typeVersion”: 2,
“position”: [
“parameters”: {
“mode”: “runOnceForEachItem”,
“jsCode”: “let inputData = $input.item.json\n\nfunction sum(arr, key){\n if (arr && arr.length > 0){\n return => Number(x[key])).reduce((ps, a) => ps + a, 0)\n } else return 0 \n}\n\nfunction count(arr, key){\n if (arr && arr.length > 0){\n return => x[key]).reduce((ps, a) => ps + 1, 0)\n } else return 0 \n}\n\nlet sheetData3 = {\n total_refunds_qty: inputData.Transactions.length === 0 ? 0: sum(inputData.Transactions, "amount"),\n total_refunds_count: inputData.Transactions.length === 0? 0: count(inputData.Transactions, "amount"),\n}\n\nreturn sheetData3”
“id”: “e102d7f1-5fe2-4d70-9bee-0d3dc5c6a052”,
“name”: “getReturns”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.code”,
“typeVersion”: 2,
“position”: [
“parameters”: {
“mode”: “runOnceForEachItem”,
“jsCode”: “let inputData = $input.item.json\n\nfunction getSKU(arr,key) {\n if (arr && arr.length > 0){\n return => x[key]).reduce((ps, a) => ps + a + ‘,’, ‘’)\n } else return ‘’ \n}\n\nfunction getShippingMethodByTags(tags) {\n if (String(tags).includes("ALMACÉN")){\n return "Almacen Babylon"\n }\n else return ""\n}\n\nfunction getShippingMethodBySource(pvalue) {\n if (pvalue==="pos"){\n return "Popup Store"\n }\n else return ""\n}\n\nfunction capitalize(str){\n if (str){\n return str.split(" ").map(strPart => ${strPart[0].toUpperCase()}${strPart.slice(1)}).join(" ")\n } else return ""\n}\n\nfunction sum(arr, key){\n if (arr && arr.length > 0){\n return => Number(x[key])).reduce((ps, a) => ps + a, 0)\n } else return 0 \n}\n\nfunction count(arr, key){\n if (arr && arr.length > 0){\n return => x[key]).reduce((ps, a) => ps + 1, 0)\n } else return 0 \n}\n\nfunction phoneNormalizer(phone){\n let strPhone = String(phone)\n if (strPhone.startsWith(‘+52’)){\n return strPhone\n } else {\n return +52${phone}\n }\n}\n\nfunction setShipmentMethod(p1,p2,p3) {\n if (p2.length===0){\n if (p3.length===0){\n return p1\n }\n else{\n return p3\n }\n }\n else{\n return p2\n } \n}\n\nlet sheetData = {\n order_id:,\n order_number: inputData.order_number,\n created_date: inputData.created_at,\n update_date: inputData.updated_at,\n Month: capitalize(DateTime.fromISO(inputData.created_at).setLocale(‘es’).toFormat(‘MMMM yyyy’)),\n Items_qty: sum(inputData.line_items, "quantity"), \n financial_status: inputData.financial_status,\n Total: inputData.current_total_price,\n sub_total: inputData.current_subtotal_price,\n Shpping: inputData.total_shipping_price_set=== null? 0 : inputData.total_shipping_price_set.shop_money.amount,\n \n Tax: inputData.current_total_tax_set.shop_money.amount,\n Returns: inputData.refunds.transactions?.length || 0,\n Disccounts: inputData.current_total_discounts,\n Comissions: inputData.sourceName==="pos" ? inputData.current_total_price * (.05) : 0,\n Discount_Code: inputData.discount_codes.length === 0 ? ‘’ : inputData.discount_codes[0].code,\n Payment_Method: inputData.payment_gateway_names === null ? ‘’ : inputData.payment_gateway_names[0],\n\n Customer_ID:,\n Customer_FirstName: capitalize(inputData.customer?.first_name),\n Customer_LastName: capitalize(inputData.customer?.last_name),\n Customer_FullName: capitalize(${inputData.customer?.first_name} ${inputData.customer?.last_name}),\n\n Customer_Email:,\n Custome_PhoneNumber: phoneNormalizer(,\n Marketing_Email: inputData.customer.email_marketing_consent === null ? ‘NA’:inputData.customer.email_marketing_consent.state,\n Marketing_SMS: inputData.customer.sms_marketing_consent=== null ?‘NA’ :inputData.customer.sms_marketing_consent.state,\n \n Costumer_Ammount_Orders: 0,\n Costumer_TAGS: inputData.customer.tags,\n Order_URL: inputData.order_status_url,\n Source_Name: inputData.source_name,\n Source_URL: inputData.source_url,\n UTM_Tracking: inputData.landing_site,\n UTM: inputData.landing_site_ref,\n\n \n Shipping_Company: inputData.fulfillments[0].tracking_company,\n Shipping_Tracking_Number: inputData.fulfillments[0].tracking_number,\n Shipping_URL_Tracking: inputData.fulfillments[0].tracking_url,\n Shipment_status: inputData.fulfillments[0].shipment_status,\n \n Order_TAGS: inputData.tags,\n Shipping_AddressName: inputData.shipping_address === null? ‘NA’: capitalize(inputData.shipping_address.first_name).concat(" ",capitalize(inputData.shipping_address.last_name)),\n \n Shipping_Phone: inputData.shipping_address=== null? ‘’: phoneNormalizer(,\n \n "Shipping_Address 1": capitalize(inputData.shipping_address?.address1),\n "Shipping_Address 2": capitalize(inputData.shipping_address?.address2),\n Shipping_Reference: inputData.shipping_address=== null? ‘’:, \n Shipping_City: inputData.shipping_address=== null? ‘’:,\n Shipping_State: inputData.shipping_address=== null? ‘’: inputData.shipping_address.province,\n Shipping_Neighbor: inputData.shipping_address=== null? ‘’: capitalize(inputData.shipping_address.address2),\n Shipping_ZipCode: inputData.shipping_address=== null? ‘’:,\n Shipping_Country: inputData.shipping_address=== null? ‘’:,\n \n Billing_Name: inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’: capitalize(inputData.billing_address.first_name).concat(" ",capitalize(inputData.billing_address.last_name)),\n Billing_Phone: inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’: phoneNormalizer(,\n "Billing_Address 1": inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’: capitalize(inputData.billing_address?.address1),\n "Billing_Address 2": inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’: capitalize(inputData.billing_address?.address2),\n Billing_City: inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’:,\n Billing_State: inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’: inputData.billing_address.province,\n Billing_Neighbor: inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’:,\n Billing_ZipCode: inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’:,\n Billing_Country: inputData.billing_address=== null? ‘’:,\n \n shipping_method_tags: getShippingMethodByTags(inputData.tags === null ? " ": inputData.tags),\n shipping_method_source: getShippingMethodBySource(inputData.source_name === null ? " ": inputData.source_name),\n refund_list: inputData.refunds,\n Shipping_Method: setShipmentMethod(inputData.shipping_lines.length===0? ‘’: inputData.shipping_lines[0].code,getShippingMethodByTags(inputData.tags === null ? " ": inputData.tags),getShippingMethodBySource(inputData.source_name === null ? " ": inputData.source_name)),\n sku_list: getSKU(inputData.line_items,"sku"), \n}\n\nreturn sheetData”

Information on your n8n setup

  • **n8n version: default version cloud
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Cloud
  • **Operating system: Windows 11

Hi @ingeniux
could you please share the workflow by wrapping the JSON code in 3 backtick characters?
Something like this:

The JSON you shared is not working by simply copy/pasting it.

I posted a new topic and share the workflow again.
notion integration problem

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