Scope Error using Hubspot Trigger

Hi @Mahdi, welcome to the community!

I’ve had a call with @filipbatelle the other week during which we looked at Hubspot in a bit more detail.

Here are some observations from this:

  1. Hubspot does not allow all developer accounts yet to set the below scopes required by n8n, so you might need to create a fresh developer account to avail of Hubspot’s latest functionality here.
  2. When using the Hubspot Trigger node, the scopes configured for your Hubspot developer application need to be exactly these (no additional scopes):
    • oauth
  3. The Hubspot Trigger credentials require your developer account’s API key (which is different from a regular Hubpot account API key). It’s available through the apps page in your Hubspot developer account:

Hope this provides some pointers for you and others stumbling across this thread.